What are the 4Q’s?
- Name your favorite films of all time (limit 3)
- Name a film you think is underrated
- Name a film you think is overrated
- Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out
Writer/Director Alan Wood brought his feature film “Life’s A Bitch And Then One Kills You,” affectionately known as “LABATOKY,” to Film Invasion Los Angeles in 2020 and his remarkably talented cast went home with the Grand Jury Prize for Best Performance by an Ensemble. This smart, hilarious, and sexy film is one you should definitely see! Just go to the Milepost 42 Films official website and have a look at this and all of Alan’s other projects.
Alan was joined in this podcast by Sarah Sypniewski, who is a producer and lead actor in his newest project Clown Car: A Love Story. Alan and Sarah too turns answering the 4Qs and we hope it’s as fun to listen to as it was to record!
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Here are Alan’s 4Qs answers:
- Favorites: The Princess Bride, KickAss, Young Frankenstein
- Underrated: Locke
- Overrated: Every Matrix sequel
- Seek Out: Butter, Coherence, The Invitation, The One I Love
Here are Sarah’s 4Qs answers:
- Favorites: A Bronx Tale, Clue, Noises Off, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
- Underrated: Return to Oz
- Overrated: Manchester by the Sea
- Seek Out: Paddleton, Tangerine 2015
Source: Discover Film