Fyrvaktaren: Bathtub By The Sea

2020 Official Selection: Short Length Narrative Film – Drama

Lighthouse keeper Gunnar does the same thing every day. Until a mermaid comes in with the tide.

Director(s): Ole-André Rønneberg
Writer(s): Ole-André Rønneberg
Producer(s): Ole-André Rønneberg
Cast: Viggo Solum, Anne Cecilie

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Source: SOFF

Achan and Ezra

2020 Official Selection: Short Length Narrative Film – Comedy

Two Jews in the holy land attempting to flee the chaos of the 3rd Crusade come across an unconscious Crusader on a lonely desert road, and a comedic encounter ensues as they debate whether to help him, kill him, or ignore him all together.

Director(s): Yan Fisher
Writer(s): Omri Rose
Producer(s): Stav Raskin Remeniuk, Yan Fisher, Omri Rose
Cast: Yaron Shavit, Aaron Vodovoz, Omri Rose

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Perfectly capable of agreeing on nothing.

Go to 2020 Official Selections Page

Source: SOFF

High Strung

2020 Official Selection: Short Length Narrative Film – Drama

When two Asian-American brothers with an overbearing sports dad must play each other at a junior tennis tournament, is there really a winner?

Director(s): Melissa Kan
Writer(s): Zheng Nathan Nie & Melissa Kan
Producer(s): Maxon Moulton
Cast: Christian Alexander Cruz, Kieran Tamondong, Zhan Wang

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Everyone plays favorites.

Go to 2020 Official Selections Page

Source: SOFF

Tristan and Isaac

2020 Official Selection: Short Length Narrative Film – Drama

Two lovers get swept up in a romance with no concern for consequences.

Director(s): Michaela Myers
Writer(s): Michaela Myers
Producer(s): Michaela Myers and Karina Wolfe
Cast: Michaela Myers, Andrew Bowen, Deborah Geffner

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When your whirlwind romance has consequences.

Go to 2020 Official Selections Page

Source: SOFF

Lizard Brain

2020 Official Selection: Short Length Narrative Film – Comedy

One man’s struggle with his mental illness, as told through his relationships.

Director(s): Jon Ebeling
Writer(s): Jon Ebeling
Producer(s): Jon Ebeling, Eric Lombart
Cast: Jon Ebeling, Bailey Kai, Ken Kirby

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Sometimes it’s better not to have closure.

Go to 2020 Official Selections Page

Source: SOFF