Episode 54: DF4Q with Mylissa Fitzsimmons

What is DF4Q?  It’s the Discover Film Four Questions.

    • Name your favorite film of all time (limit 3)
    • Name a film you think is underrated
    • Name a film you think is overrated
    • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

Mylissa Fitzsimmons is super-talented and super-cool.  She won the Audience Award at Film Invasion Los Angeles for her short film That Party That One Night.  Click here to see it.

And after you’ve seen it, you should be able to spot her nod to her favorite film in it.

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You can listen to the podcast using the media player below or on DiscoverFilm.net  iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.


Source: Discover Film

Episode 54: DF4Q with Mylissa Fitzsimmons

What is DF4Q?  It’s the Discover Film Four Questions.

    • Name your favorite film of all time (limit 3)
    • Name a film you think is underrated
    • Name a film you think is overrated
    • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

Mylissa Fitzsimmons is super-talented and super-cool.  She won the Audience Award at Film Invasion Los Angeles for her short film That Party That One Night.  Click here to see it.

And after you’ve seen it, you should be able to spot her nod to her favorite film in it.

Source: Discover Film

Episode 53: Mylissa Fitzsimmons

In 2017, Filmmaker Mylissa Fitzsimmons won the Audience Award at Film Invasion Los Angeles for her short film That Party That One Night. 

Whether it’s the directing, the cinematography, the lighting, the writing or the performances, there’s an art and a sophistication to all the elements you see in That Party That One Night that we see all too rarely.  Whenever I see a movie this good, particularly a high-school movie, it makes me a little frustrated with the high-school fare that Hollywood puts out.  Actually, it makes me a lot frustrated.

So go right now and watch That Party That One Night at Mylissa’s website. Then come back and listen to the interview.  (You can click on the pic below to see the film.)

Comments are blocked on this website. To discuss Discover Film episodes, visit the Facebook Group.

You can listen to the podcast using the media player below or on DiscoverFilm.net  iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.


Source: Discover Film

Episode 53: Mylissa Fitzsimmons

In 2017, Filmmaker Mylissa Fitzsimmons won the Audience Award at Film Invasion Los Angeles for her short film That Party That One Night. 

Whether it’s the directing, the cinematography, the lighting, the writing or the performances, there’s an art and a sophistication to all the elements you see in That Party That One Night that we see all too rarely.  Whenever I see a movie this good, particularly a high-school movie, it makes me a little frustrated with the high-school fare that Hollywood puts out.  Actually, it makes me a lot frustrated.

So go right now and watch That Party That One Night at Mylissa’s website. Then come back and listen to the interview.  (You can click on the pic below to see the film.)

Comments are blocked on this website. To discuss Discover Film episodes, visit the Facebook Group.

You can listen to the podcast using the media player below or on DiscoverFilm.net  iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.


Source: Discover Film

Episode 52: DF4Q with Mikhael Bassilli

What is DF4Q?  It’s the Discover Film Four Questions.

    • Name your favorite film of all time (limit 3)
    • Name a film you think is underrated
    • Name a film you think is overrated
    • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

The first time I met Mikhael Bassilli it was because he had won the screenwriting competition 100 Screenplays in 2017.  (You can see me about to hand him the award in that pic.)  A few months later, he submitted the great short film Immersion to the Sherman Oaks Film Festival and we selected it to be the opening film that year.

You know I love to hear people’s DF4Q’s and considering Mikhael’s incredible work output, I was very curious to hear his favorites.  Give it a listen!

Source: Discover Film