2019 Official Selection: Music Video
Director: Molly Schreiber
Writer(s): Eyatn Ribner & Molly Schreiber
Producer(s): Eytan Ribner & Bryce Fishman
Cast: Eytan Ribner & Monika Smith

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Source: FILA
a digital place for the digital things done by a digital guy
Director: Molly Schreiber
Writer(s): Eyatn Ribner & Molly Schreiber
Producer(s): Eytan Ribner & Bryce Fishman
Cast: Eytan Ribner & Monika Smith
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Source: FILA
A struggling artist finds new doors opening to him in unexpected ways.
Director: V.R. Rao
Writer(s): V.R. Rao
Producer(s): V.R. Rao, Luke Wilkening
Cast: Jonah Robinson, Lily Paige, Maximilien Kafel, Rama Vallury, Jay Manus
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Source: FILA
Former actress Poppy Sinclaire is forced to confront her past and re-examine her present when a young actress and an old friend come crashing back into in her life.
Director: Nate Hapke
Writer(s): Rosie Grace
Producer(s): Sophia Zach, Rosie Grace
Cast: Carolyn Hennesy, Mackenzie Breeden, and Gwen Hillier
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Source: FILA
When a destructive force comes between two sisters, it threatens their relationship and their lives.
Director: Natalie Peracchio
Writer(s): Natalie Peracchio
Producer(s): Cemile Seren Turam
Cast: Arielle Gottesman, Orli Gottesman
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Source: FILA
This psychological thriller follows a young woman coping with her uninterrupted mental illness while suppressing the scars of her past.
Director: Patrick Flaherty
Writer(s): Jamie Owen
Producer(s): Brendan Garrett
Cast: Jamie Owen, Breanne Hill, Darren Pettie
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Source: FILA