Episode 75: DIF4Q Kevin Nielsen

Kevin Nielsen wrote and directed the award winning film See Yourself Out, which is a film you watch on this here website!  Kevin’s film has so much to it.  The filmmaking is spot-on, the acting is wonderful, and the short film he wrote is poignant, funny, and tragic all at the same time.  Needless to …

Episode 74: Kevin Nielsen

Kevin Nielsen wrote and directed the award winning film See Yourself Out.  As you can see from the laurels on the video embed below, this film cleaned up on the festival circuit.  And part of that great festival run includes getting a Grand Jury Prize at the Sherman Oaks Film Festival in 2017. When you watch See …

Episode 73: DIF4Q with Varun Raman & Tom Hancock

Varun Raman & Tom Hancock made the brilliant short film Transmission.  It was a standout at the Sherman Oaks Film Festival in 2017.  Even though they live in the UK, we hopped on Skype for a few hours to record an interview and a DIF4Q. What is DIF4Q?  It’s the Discover Indie Film Four Questions. Name …

Episode 72: Varun Raman & Tom Hancock

Transmission.  Transmission is a film that you MUST SEE.  This film is a brilliant work of art from Varun Raman & Tom Hancock; a young team out of Manchester, England (though they’ve moved since) who studied film on their own, wrote a pile of scripts and then managed to put together a team and a cast …

Episode 71: DIF4Q with Jonah Mazer

Jonah Mazer, Ethan Howard, & Jeff Howard at the Sherman Oaks Street Fair Jonah Mazer is a director and cinematographer whose filmography keeps growing and growing… and he’s in High School.  His excellent short film Life After screened at Film Invasion Los Angeles in June 2018 and he approached me at that festival to ask if …